June 27, 2011
I can't put my finger on it, but something seems very natural about her to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but I almost feel like she's
the kind of girl a guy could take camping.
June 18, 2011
We here at LukaLips Destruction Co love the big G. While we await
his triumphant return, you can show your faith in the king of all
monsters by ordering one of these bumper stickers. Spread
the word! Get one
May 21, 2011
Troy Lukkarila's clothes were discovered on the sidewalk outside
of his home in Jacksonville, Florida. Authorities have not been
able to locate Troy, however, we're not sure they're actually
trying to locate him. At this point we can only assume that Troy
was raptured away by the holy spirit and he is enjoying his time
in the kingdom of heaven where God can finally bask in Troy's
We perhaps were a little premature in our assertion that Troy
Lukkarila was raptured away to heaven. He was discovered the next
day dazed and confused, naked in a ditch, several miles from his
home. He was unable to recollect exactly how he got there.
Troy later made the following statement: "Look, I may not have
been raptured, but this was still God's work. I mean, if being
transported several miles away from your house isn't proof of God,
I don't know what is... or aliens. It could have been aliens.
Anyway, whatever it was, it had nothing to do with me being really
May 2, 2011
I simply have to say that I don't think it was appropriate for the Duchess of Cambridge to be flashing her tits like that
on the balcony of Buckingham Palace! And to be doing it for some stupid beads! How low class is that?
Doesn't she know the U.S. is still recovering from Janet Jackson's tit?
March 7, 1943 - February 14, 2011
Goodbye, Maestro.
Here is an excerpt of one of last videos I shot of Alan Justiss:
AUGUST 21, 2010
July 31, 2010
There was much celebrating in the labs of Lukalips Destruction
Co., this weekend. Chants of "We did it! We did it!"
were heard emanating from the offices. They are celebrating a
breakthrough in human/animal gene splicing. Scientists in the
Lukalips'; genetics lab have successfully combined the genes of
company leader Troy Lukkarila with the genes of several other
animals to create a brand new species. Said one scientist,
"It has always been my dream to create an abomination of
"We still have much to learn," explained scientist Dr.
Linda Snardgrass, "We don't even know what to feed it,
except we have found it to have an affinity for beer. So, we just
kind of keep it liquored up." When asked what animals
comprise this new species, Dr. Snardgrass replied "Hell, I
don't know. We threw all kinds of shit in there. We kind of lost
April 3, 2010
I learned about ileostomies this weekend. It's a medical procedure where the end of the small intestine is diverted through
a hole in the abdomen. Here is a photo of an ileostomy I stole from Wikipedia:
What I found especially interesting, is that this procedure goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Back
then, ileostomies were regarded as beautiful. In fact, almost any depiction you find of Venus, the
goddess of love and beauty, includes her ileostomy. For instance, Venus de Milo, probably the most
famous depiction of the goddess, clearly shows her ileostomy:
Botticelli went as far as to include oozing bile in his famous depiction of the Birth of Venus.
I'm amazed that I never noticed the ileostomy in the above painting. I guarantee, however, now that
I've pointed it out to you, it will be the first thing you notice every time you see that painting.
Make sure to point it out to your friends!
One can only speculate why these ancient peoples found ileostomies so attractive. Of course, what red blooded male is not
going to look at an ileostomy and wonder "Can I stick my junk in that?"
May 13, 2010
I was reading the comics in the newspaper yesterday. After I laughed incessantly for a full five minutes at Marmaduke (he
had eaten somebody's sandwich or some shit or something, a thought came to me – this story-less one-panel
comic really lends itself for a live action movie! I mean, it's got everything a successful movie
needs... well, it's got a big dog! And he gets into all sorts of trouble because... you know... he's
a big dog. And... I guess that’s the main theme of the strip. So to give a Marmaduke movie a little
of that extra pizzazz, maybe they could use some of those digital effects and shit and make Marmaduke
talk! I mean can you imagine? A talking dog! It’s absurd! It’s genius! I can’t think of any other
movie where live action animals talk... well, except for Babe, Stuart Little, Beverly Hills Chihuahua,
Doctor Doolittle, Doctor Doolittle 2, Doctor Doolittle3. Ok, so there have been a few, but this is
Marmaduke and he’s a big dog! I mean, not Clifford big, but pretty big. But to make this movie a
mega-hit, we’ll have to break from the comic a bit and have Marmaduke do some distinctly un-doglike
things. Hey, I got it! He should wear sunglasses and surf! Yeah that’s the ticket! Hell, and why
only have one stupid dog star the movie? Let’s have lots and lots of those fucking talking animals!
Fuck yeah! Let's put those computers to work! Oh, fuck me... I just had a brilliant idea... there
should be a fucking huge-ass dance number with all the animals! Is anybody getting this? This is
going to be so fucking awesome! I am so fucking coked up right now! Only one last thing – who is
going to do the voice of Marmaduke? I wonder what Owen Wilson is up to?
For your enjoyment, here are a few of my favorite Marmaduke comics:
March 29, 2010
April 23, 2010
In case you're not familiar with Harold Camping, a.k.a. Brother Camping, he’s an 88 year old host of a Christian call-in
radio show. There is plenty of information on this guy on the internet, so I’m not going to give
you a biography. Just Google his name, you lazy fuck, and go to town!
I've listened to Brother Camping periodically for over a decade -- his show has played in every
city I've hid in. I’ve heard him on more than one occasion tell a woman that she must get back
together with her abusive husband because she made a promise with God when she married him. If she
remarries, it’s adultery – plain and simple. Who knows, maybe some women ended up dead because of
this wonderful advice. Nice job, Campy!
I was listening to his show last night and learned that based on clues in the Bible, he has calculated
the day of the rapture! For your information, that day is May 21, 2011. Mark your calendar, I guess.
Might as well cancel any appointments you have after that date. A man called in to the show and told
Brother Camping that he believed the bible, but he could not believe that May 21 of next year was
going to be the big “R” day. The man stated he was a Christian and asked Camping if the rapture did
come next year, was he going to go to hell because he didn’t trust Camping’s date. To paraphrase
Brother Camping’s answer he said basically, “I can’t judge you, only God can do that, but yes, you’re
going to hell. The day comes from the Bible so it is God’s word, therefore it’s infallible. Oh, don’t
think you're going to get saved after the rapture because it’s too late.” Sorry, I’d give the actual
quote, if I could find a transcript, but seriously, that’s the gist.
I hope the old fuck lives another year to see that his inflexible prediction is wrong. And maybe,
just maybe, he will realize that the world is not so black and white. Maybe he will see the bible
is open for some interpretation. Maybe he’ll apologize for all the bad, inflexible advice he’s been
giving for decades. But we all know what will happen – he'll admit to making some miscalculation
and change the date and he’ll continue being a complete ass-wipe and he’ll resume scaring of the
bejesus out of the poor sheep.
For your convenience, so you can say your good-byes and get your affairs in order, I present to
you Brother Camping’s Rapture Countdown Clock:
Sorry... the countdown clock went off years ago. Looks like you were left behind with Brother Camping.
Sucks to be you. Wait.... I was left behind, too. Damn.
From the mouth of Troy:
Dead people are among the most inconsiderate people you will ever meet.
From the mouth of Troy:
You can make a good living out of being useless.
From the mouth of Troy:
I'm planning on kicking the habit. I'm planning on slapping her, too.
From the mouth of Troy:
How many of your boyfriends am I going to have to kill before I'm the next in line? Jeez, it ought to be my turn by now.
From the mouth of Troy:
People think I'm a monster because I run over every manatee I see with my boat, but I'm out for revenge ever since one of those wretched creatures ate my boy.